
Last weekend, I participated in the Wowie 4.0 Jam with a couple of guys I met on itch.io prior to the jam. While our team originally consisted of 6 members, a series of unfortunate events left us with 2, 3 if you're generous.
Before we did the jam, we made a practice game, which can be seen through jpegs on my gallery (which I still need to update). why did i bring this up in the second paragraph anyways we actually had two developers for that, which changed for the real jam. Early morning on friday, we schizmed as a result of conflicting ideas. Our second dev preffered 3D over 2D, so bro dipped. Another guy dipped during practice, and one guy just overall wasn't really capable of working on the jam. so it was left to me, one last dev, and this french musician.
The theme was "Collaborate With AI", and so while I was making coffee I devised an idea where you build customized robots to defend your base. While 3D-dev was initially on board with the idea, he dipped when he realized it was out of his scope.
Day one went well, I finished a robot and a half and we got most of the planning done. Day two was mostly finishing robots, with day three almost entirely for UI